Thursday, September 6, 2007

one hchvjdffhfvjeyshdjhcbsyzghz day

!@@!@@@#@#!#@ as !@@!@@#!#$$#%*(*)^$

!@@##$###$###$##@#$%^&#$# $#$#@%%## (&*T%%$$$#%#@#$%
@#$@$%##$#%$#$% as I #$@$%#$%$$ and @$#$% at the same #$$#%$ time.

At first,@#$@!$#$%$% went %$^%$$%$%$#%$%.But then I 32$#$#%$%$$#$## #%$%%%%%$ it #$$%$$$ #$%^$%.

As $#$$$$#$#$$#$ said, $#@$#%$#%$# the #$#%$%% #@#%$^^%.Well I had had enough of this #$#$$%$%$$#$$#$#$$#$%$#$%^%$ day. So I #%$#%$%$%%$%%$%% #$% #%#%R$$$$#$$#$%$ $%^%$%^% #$%%^& %^ @#$%^&& @#$%^&&**.But !@&%^$$^$ guy kept#@^%$$%(*&&&* me. So I !##$^*&)(_!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm starting this blog.

I'm starting this blog.It will be very interesting.My sister told me that this is like a diary,but other people can read it.This will be fun!